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What is the difference between line regulation and load regulation in interpreting the datasheet of an LED driver?
2020-04-28 22:20:05
 What is the difference between line regulation and load regulation in interpreting the datasheet of an LED driver?
Line regulation is the ability to maintain specified output voltage over changes in the input line voltage. It could be expressed in % or actual (voltage) change in the output voltage relative to allowable input line voltage range.

If the input is specified for some range of voltage (say 7–12 Volts for a 5 V regulator), and the line regulation is 1% then if you stay within the input range of 7–12 volts, the output voltage effect is less than +/- 1% i.e. 5 V+/- 1% or 4.95 to 5.05 Volts.
Load regulation is the ability to maintain specified output voltage over changes in the value of the load. It could be expressed in % or actual (voltage) change in output voltage relative to permissible load range. Load regulation can also explained as a percentage change in output voltage from no load(NL) to full load(FL).
Load regulation
If the output is specified for say 0–10A with a load regulation of 1% then changing the load from 0 to 10A should not change the voltage by more than 1%. i.e. the output remains within 11.88 to 12.12 volts.
 Line regulation